Samuel Bottomley in "How to
Have Sex" (Paddy), "The Last Rifleman - Ritorno in Normandia" (Rory)
James Franco in "Good
People" (Tom Wright)
Nat Wolff in "Which Brings
Me to You - Storia di una confessione" (Will)
Josh Wiggins in "Armor" (Casey
Ryan Phillippe in "Straight
As" (Scott)
Emory Choen in "The Duel"
Timothée Chalamet in "Adderall
Diaries" (Stephen da giovane)
John D'Leo in "Nudi e
felici" (Tanner)
Kurt Ostlund in Mark &
Russell's Wild Ride" (Testa Calda)
Gregg Sulkin in "This Is the
Year" (Kale)
Brady Hepner in "The
Holdovers - Lezioni di vita" (Teddy Kountze)
Anson Boon in "Winter Lake -
Il segreto del lago" (Tom)
Michael Johnston in "Caccia
mortale" (2021) (Noah Halsey)
Mark McKenna in "The Miracle
Club" (George Hennessy)
Will Peltz in "Sierra
Burgess è una sfigata" (Spence)
Leon Thomas III in "Rising
Stars" (J.R.)
Reilly Dolman in "Zodiac:
Signs of the Apocalypse" (Colin)
Guy Wilson in "Swelter"
Patrick Gibson in "In a
Relationship - Amori a lungo termine" (Matt)
Randy Wayne in "Don't Look
at the Demon" (Wolf)
Matthew Finlan in "Orphan:
First Kill" (Gunnar Albright)
Hayden Szoto in "Vieni come
sei" (Matt)
Conor MacNeill in "Whole
Lotta Sole" (Sox)
Kio Cyr in "The Puppetman"
Luke Cousins in "Firequake"
Eli Brown in "Run Hide Fight
- Sotto assedio" (Tristan Voy)
Alex Etel in "Il segreto di
Green Knowe" (Tolly)
Phénix Brossard in "Little
Joe" (Ric)
Alexander Calvert in "If I
Had Wings" (Vince Bernard)
Blake Bashoff in "Big Bully"
Luke Bilyk in "Hellions" (Jace)
Ewan Mitchell in "High Life"
Jordan Tomlienovic in "Raising
the bar" (Justin)
Robert Capron in "Annabelle
Hooper and the Ghosts of Nantucket" (Jake McFeeley)
Dylan Flashner in "Bandit"
Rhys Wakefield in "You Get
Me" (Chase)
Mason Guccione in "Capone"
Will Carlson in "Killer App"
Michael Ryerson Uribe in
"Boyfriend killer" (Preston Durro)
Ephraim Ellis in "Deadly
Inferno" (Victor)
Paul Hansen Kim in "Message
from King" (Sam Yung)
Jay Duffy in "Handsome Devil"
George Sargeant in "City of
tiny light" (Stuart)
Michael Tacconi in "Swing -
Cuore da campioni" (Ted)
Bar Levy in "La prima
vacanza non si scorda mai" (Almog)
Victor Belmondo in "Selfie
di famiglia" (Theo)
Julián Giraldo in "Monos -
Un gioco da ragazzi" (Lupo)
Corentin Fila in "Fantasie"
Germán de Silva in
"L'educazione di Rey" (Rey Galindez)
Dylan Robert in "DNA - Le
radici dell'amore" (Kevin)
Stephen Janousek in
"Underground" (Sospettato #1)
Anthony Bajon
in "Nel nome della terra" (Thomas Jarjeau)
Jules Houplain
in "Il mio profilo migliore" (Max)
Victor Belmondo in "Volami
via" (Thomas)
Shaun Thomas
in "Ali & Ava - Storia di un incontro" (Callum)
Tom Mercier
in "Ma nuit" (Alex)
Rachid Hami
in "Due amici" (Rachid)
Hong-Chi Lee
in "Un lungo viaggio nella notte" (Wildcat)
Félix Moati
in "Ippocrate" (Stephane)
Gauthier Battoue in "Mistero
a Saint-Tropez" (Ben)
Lucas Englander in "Le
apparenze" (Jonas)
Alex Lutz
in "Agente speciale 117 al servizio della Repubblica - Missione Rio"
(Heinrich von Zimmel / Friedrich)
Joseph Engel in "Falcon Lake"
Raphaël Quenard in "Mandibules
- Due uomini e una mosca" (Raimondo)
Kenzo Sambin
in "Due fratelli" (2022) (Ernest a 13 anni)
Thomas Silberstein in "Making
of" (Aiuto regista)
Hamza Bensahnoune in "Houria
- La voce della libertà" (Salim)
Pahoa Mahagafanau in "Pacifiction
- Un mondo sommerso" (Shannah)
Rod Paradot in "Gangs of
Paris" (Polly)
Adam Bessa in "Alta moda"
Pedro Fasanaro in "Deserto
particular" (Robson / Sara)
Melan Omerta in "La signora
delle rose" (Fred)
Goya Rego
in "Quel giorno tu sarai" (Jonas)
Gustav Lindh in "Riders of
Justice" (Bodashka)
Anthony Bajon in "Allons
enfants" (Leo Corvard)
Igor van Dessel in "Lo
scambio di principesse" (Luigi XV)
Maciej Stepniak in "EO" (Vasil)
Mahmoud Abu Eita in "200
metri" (Rami)
Moussa Sow in "Banel &
Adama" (Racine)
Dániel Király in "Una
spiegazione per tutto" (Balazska)
Somany Okoukou in "La voix
du pere" (Vince)
Stanislav Potiak in "Il
giuramento di Pamfir" (Nazar)
Arsen Khetagurov in "Ada"
Justin Chon in "From the
Rough" (Jikung)
Tomok Shah Indrawan in "Mantera"
Wu Chien-ho
in "Stranger Eyes - Sguardi nascosti" (Junyang)
Sun Xilun
in "Ping Pong: il ritorno" (Dong Shuai)
"5 anni di fidanzamento" (Fidanzato
di Vaneetha)
"Afterwards" (Jeremy)
"Le bruit des Giacons" (Stanislas)
"Benvenuti a St. Tropez" (Daniel)
"Gueros" (Penalosa)
"One on One" (Min e Young)
"Il diario di Carlotta"
"Welcome to the Punch - Nemici di
"Casinò Jack"
"Muhammad Ali's Greatest Fight"